René Chyba

In 1999 René Chyba began his work as an internal designer, mostly for German and Italian brands and design-architecture studios.

Since 2012 René Chyba has been managing his own design studio CHYBA AND PARTNERS Srl, an Italian-German creative agency: Its focus is interior design and furniture, as well as brand architecture, offering strategic design services, such as art direction, corporate and exhibition spaces or research projects.

His working skill combines German precision and reliability with a strong technical background, together with Italian creativity and elegance. Everything moved by his profound passion for design.

René Chyba’s approach is to discover the right balance between design and quality, aesthetic and functionality; Development of conceptual and trendsetting aspects in order to create commercial products.

He is cooperating with the most international brands, renowned high level furniture companies, thanks to his globally open and transcultural thinking.

René Chyba develops projects that are clearly distinguishable from those of competitors, and creates values for the clients by consistently aligning product development with business goals, designing aesthetic and functional products with long-term availability and functional products with long-term availability.
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