Brian Kane

Brian Kane graduated from the University of Bridgeport, Connecticut, in 1970 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Design. He worked for several New York City design studios and spent a year in Milan, Italy, working for Architect Silvio Coppola. His projects included the design of seating and case goods for such companies as Mobil Italia Spa. and Bernini Spa. After returning to the U.S. he worked in New York for atelier international (ai). Work involved special contract furniture design projects, showroom design, and the startup of U.S. production of the innovative Italian designs of Cassina, B&B and Tecno.

In March of 1989 Kane established Kane Design Studio in San Francisco. The firm has been involved in the design and development of products for Metro, Steelcase, Carnegie, Landscape forms, Bernhardt Furniture Co., Martin/Brattrud Inc, Falcon, Halcon, Tuohy, HBF, Coalesse, Decca, Nemscoff, Summit, Hon, and Herman Miller.

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